Friday, July 29, 2016

Finishing up some DKoK I'll post here shortly. Wanted to do something while I wait to work on the commission. Speaking of which, I've officially got a real, solid commission pricing sheet set up!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Just an update - nothing of note the last couple weeks. We're going with some chinese bits, so before I can finish conversions and do a base coat, those have to arrive. If past experience is any indicator, they'll be here within the next month or so. Might start a small DKoK project in the meantime...we'll see.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Back in the Saddle!

Alright, personal projects are on hold for now as I revert to weekly updates on my current workload. This week marks the start of a Heresy-era Salamanders army (that isn't mine). As of right now, this means 30 tactical marines from the BaC set, as well as the praetor, chaplain and contemptor dreadnought. Rather than the five cataphractii terminators, these will be converted into two firedrakes, two primus medicae, and one chaplain for the army.

Progress right now is minimal as I wait for bits to arrive in the mail; the only real progress I can make for the time being is model assembly and getting the basing how I like it (going with an Urgall Depression theme).